About the Book
The Purpose In My Pain is a devotional anthology comprised of testimony and devotions from 28 women around the world. These beautiful women took three months to examine the depths of their hearts and extract the purpose hidden beneath the pain. As you dive into the pages of this devotional, each chapter gives a glimpse into the restorative powers of our God as each woman shares her testimony, a devotion for the day, and reflective questions.
The Purpose In My Pain Features the following co-authors:
Julie Alleyne
Alvastine Bethel
Heather L. Duma
Annette Duncan
Mia Foster
Berthienna Green
Samantha Hamilton
Desha Henfield
Tee Hubbs
Maria Jenkins
Diasha Johnson
Lywanda Johnson
Tonya Johnson
Shay Lewis-Sisco
Sherone E. Lewis
Cassandra L. McCray
Annie J. Mewborn
Mercy Pinder
Vernette Hutchins Roberts
Robin Sample
Dianne Santos, MBA
Alisa Stilley
Nubia Taylor
Kristy Ting
Shell Vera
Brandi Nichole Wallace
Dr. Tasha Wilson